An automatic email is sent when payment have completed. The email will contain your unique license key which is used to activate the full software features. The email will also contain instruction of how to use the key to activate Visual Micro. A single key can be used to activate the number of licenses that you have purchased.
If you do not see the email within a short time then please check your junk mail. If our email is not in your junk then contact us at providing the name and/or email address used for the purchase.
Visual micro license key
Reasonable endeavours to support you, provide udpates, fix issues and implement requests (issues and requests must be submitted via our forum). With so many different boards and Ide variations it is a constant task to improve Visual Micro and with your help we will know what needs to be done. See you in the forum! For perpetual licences purchased before Nov 2019 after 12 months updates and assistance are at a nominal annual fee. All Perpetual licenses since Nov 2019 include 3 years support and updates, again after which the nominal annual fee will apply.
This message indicates that while your subscription might still be valid, the license token that Visual Studio uses to keep your subscription up to date hasn't been refreshed. Visual Studio reports that the license is stale because of one of the following reasons:
If your subscription has expired and you no longer have access rights to Visual Studio, you must renew your subscription or add another account that has a subscription. To see more information about the license you are using, go to File > Account Settings and look at the license information on the right side of the dialog. If you have another subscription associated with a different account, add that account to the All Accounts list on the left side of the dialog box by selecting the Add an account link.
After buying the Visual Micro debugger, you will receive a license key that you enter in a Visual Micro window. Now you can continue to work and enjoy the features of the Visual Micro Debugger with your Arduino board, no additional installation is required.
You can directly download and install the extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace at: project is now available on GitHub under the MIT open source license and developers can participate in many ways:
I really appreciate the kind of topics you post here. Great information about arduino extensions for visual studio code is open source. that is actually helpful for currently working in arduino related business peoples. Thanks for sharing informative contentArduino Certification Training Institute
Visual Micro Arduino is a Visual Studio plugin for connecting to Arduino boards and programming them. Arduino is a group of smart, integrated, and compact electronic boards that are marketed by the Arduino company to facilitate the programming of microcontrollers. A microcontroller is a smart chip that has RAM, processor, input and output ports, etc. like a computer and is capable of doing various tasks with programming.
The traditional and old method of microprogramming is that after selecting the desired micro, it should be connected to the computer through the programmer and serial ports, and after programming, it should be installed in the desired circuit and ready to be used. This work requires a lot of involvement. It is more difficult with hardware and of course coding that beginners may have problems to start working with micros.
You will have work, and with a simpler language and a wide range of powerful libraries, you can put your desired program into micros much faster and more flexibly. This plugin adds the official ID of this company to Visual Studio in the form of a plugin, and users will be able to benefit from the unique benefits of the Visual Studio development environment while programming Arduino circuits.
I got my VS 2017 product key from my University Program, now Microsoft changed the site and I can't retrieve anymore my old product keys, but actually VS 2017 has a valid product key. I want to store it so I'm looking a way to retrieve this from my licensed VS 2017.I found that VS 2017 doesn't store product key in registry anymore, so there is another way to find it?
You must install the License Management Facility on every system thatruns licensed products. You need only one License Management Facility on eachsystem, regardless of the number of the licensed products.
You can either install the License Management Facility independently oras part of installing a licensed product. If you do not install the LicenseManagement Facility as part of the product, you can install it later by goingto the lmf subdirectory of the directory where the product wasinstalled, and entering:
Note: Once you have installed the license database, you cannotmove it to a different directory except by reinstalling the License ManagementFacility. If you want to move the installed license database, you need todelete the existing mflmf directory and its contents, run the LicenseManagement Facility installation script, specifying a different path for theinstallation, and then enter the license keys again.
64-bit Server Express: If you are installing 64-bit licensesto enable you to use the Server Express development system with 64-bit ServerExpress, any 32-bit licenses installed for a previous version of 32-bit ServerExpress are disabled. A warning message is displayed informing you that 32-bitlicenses will be disabled.
The License Administration Services provides a menu-driven interface formanaging Micro Focus product license keys, including installing anduninstalling license keys, and reviewing the licenses installed.
64-bit Server Express: If you are installing 64-bit licensesto enable you to use 64-bit Server Express, and there are already installed32-bit licenses associated with a 32-bit version of Server Express, the 32-bitlicenses are disabled. A warning message is displayed informing you ofthis.
To review the licenses in use, from the Main menu of the LicenseAdministration Services, press F5=Browse. You can look through thelicenses already loaded by pressing F2=Previous and F3=Next.Press F5=End-browse to return to the Main menu.
If you need to move an existing license from one machine to another,uninstall the license key first from one machine and then install it on theother machine. For instructions on how to do this, see the sectionsUninstalling a License Key and Installing License Keys Initially in this chapter.
To uninstall a license key, from the Main menu of the LicenseAdministration Services, press F2=key, and enter the serial number andlicense number printed on the License Key Card, entitledImportant Product Information. Then press enter and pressF4=uninstall.
64-bitServer Express: If you uninstall all 64-bit licenses, anypreviously installed 32-bit licenses are reenabled; this only occurs if the64-bit version is installed in the same directory as the 32-version (that is,the value of $COBDIR remains the same).
Thelicense database is automatically backed up. In the unlikely event of aproblem, the License Administration Services detects the problem at startup andgives you the option of restoring from backup. The license database files aremflmfdb, mflmfdb.idx, mflmfdbX, and mflmfdbX.idx.
The directory specified by LMFCOMM must have full read/write/executepermission for all users who will be using the licensed development system. Inaddition, all development system users must also set LMFCOMM in their ownenvironment to the same value as that used by License Manager. If this is notdone, then users will be unable to contact License Manager and obtain a licenseunit.
The directory specified by LMFTEMP must have full read/write/executepermission for all users who will be using the licensed development system. Inaddition, all development system users must also set LMFTEMP in their ownenvironment to the same value as that used by License Manager. If this is notdone, then users will be unable to contact License Manager and obtain a licenseunit.
During the testing phase of development, when it is necessary to run ordebug your application, an Application Server license is needed before theapplication will run. This applies whether running or debugging from thecommand line, or from within the Development Environment.
For each LMF development license unit installed, there are five impliedApplication Server license units. When the development licenses are installed,these associated Application Server licenses are also automatically installed;the License Administrator needs take no special action for this to occur.
If you test an application and get a message telling you that there areno Application Server licenses available, this might be because the ApplicationServer database does not contain the five complimentary Application Serverlicense units.
If users run a sequence of development tasks from a script (for example,to compile a suite of programs), it is possible that insufficient licenses willbe available at the instant that the script attempts to launch one of thedevelopment tasks.
If developers are running such scripts, and meeting this problem, youshould advise them to set the environment variable LMFWAIT for the task.LMFWAIT is used to set a value that specifies the number of times a task shouldattempt to get a license unit. By default, the task sleeps for 10 secondsbetween each attempt. In effect, the task suspends itself until a license unitbecomes free.
If a developer has the environment variable COBSW set to +A, (meaninginvoke the Animator), then invokes the Server Express Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (SDE), a debug session starts and attempts to obtain a terminalconnection. However, if you have only one license, it fails and displays themessage: 2ff7e9595c