This old extension in Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) MMC snap-in provides additional information called that is helpful in troubleshooting user accounts. The required acctinfo.dll reads the following values from the accounts attributes and presents the results under [Additional Account Info] tab within the users properties, including:
acctinfo.dll windows 7 64 bit download
To install, download ALTool.exe from Microsoft and extract the files using 7-Zip. With elevated privileges, copy the acctinfo.dll file to %WINDIR%\SysWOW64 directory and then via CMD, register it using the following command:
Bei 32-Bit-Systemen habe ich die acctinfo.dll schon häufiger genutzt, um zum Beispiel das Passwort-Ablaufdatum oder auch die SID eines Benutzers zu ermitteln. Heute wurde ich allerdings angesprochen, wie das Tool unter einem Windows 7-System, welches auf der 64-Bit-Technologie basiert, eingesetzt werden kann.
Then Windows connects to Microsoft servers, downloads and installs the Active Directory Remote Server Administration Tools (including Active Directory graphical consoles, command prompt tools, and Active Directory PowerShell module).
Download the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 installation files and extract them to a temporary folder on your computer. From that folder launch Setup.exe. If your computer is missing either the .NET Framework or Windows PowerShell pre-requisites there will be links for Step 1 and 2 to download and install them.
#6 tip: If you are getting some random connectivity error, try disabling the windows firewall and if that fixes the problem identify culprit rules and make adjustments to only the minimum amount of rules required to get it working.
I looked at my RSAT features for Web Manager tools, Make sure the IIS 6 Management Compatibility folder and sub folders are all checked, World Wide Web Services with Application Development Features and .NET Extensibility, Security folder check with Request Filterering sub folder checked. Also just for giggles enable every main feature folder and sub folder in the Remote Server Administraotr Tools even if you dont need them. Restart your PC and than log back on and try the EMC install again. Let me know if that fixes it. Also to everyone in the process of installing EMC or getting it to work please note I had a different version of EMC than on the Exchange Server 2010. I read the message when adding the exchange forest/exchange server and I had to remote log into the exchange server and open up the EMC console and go to help and about which had a different and I think newer version of EMC. i than had to download the same version EMC console on my workstation that is on the exchange server. After that I have been able to connect to and manage our Exchange Server via my local workstation EMC. Just a FYI if any one else runs into that little bump in the road after installing EMC on there desktop or workstation computer.
I'm using MAMP and PHP 8.1 on Windows 10. I needed to download the SQL Server drivers from Microsoft ( -us/sql/connect/php/download-drivers-php-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver16), and then extract and copy the proper driver dll in this folder: 2ff7e9595c